Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Race Review: Bullseye Father's Day 10k

This is the second time I've run this race, although last year it was an 8k. Unfortunantly I ran this race much, much, much slower than every other 10k I've done in the past.

Even worse my dad beat me. My 67 year-old father who ran in Adidas shoes and uses a hanky to wipe his brow beat me. By 5 minutes :(

Sadly, this is turning into a trend for me. As I sign up for longer and longer races I get slower and slower. 2 years ago I did a 10k in just under 1 hour (59:45). This weekend I did it in 1:14:30 and felt tired at the end.

In my defense I both know what I need to do to fix this (go on more shorter but faster runs) and I had a really good excuse for running slow. After I ran the 10k I went to work for 8 hours and then went to go play soccer (were we won 3-1 and I got an assist on the first goal!).

So, not the best result. But I made it through the race injury free and with a good idea of what I need to do before my next 10k.

Monday, June 17, 2013

The high cost of a cheep sport :\

It's a shame I love doing races to much, because sweet jesus races are expensive.

I just registered for an olympic triathlon, a 45 mile bike ride and a 25k and 50k trail races. Almost $300 in registration fees. O.o

And to think that I started running because it was cheaper than sitting around drinking beer.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Run until you're hungry....

There's an episode of Big Bang Theory where Sheldon asks Penny how long she runs for. Penny responds "I run until I get hungry, then I stop and get a bear claw."

Well, I did something pretty similar yesterday. (The joys of working retail is that I get Tuesdays off) I went for a run around 1pm and ran until I got to a McDonald's. I then devoured a McDouble and a McChicken (health food!) and ran home.

Salty, fatty goodness took the run from "Long, slow slog" to "Long, slow MCDONALDS!"

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Hello internets,

I've gotten tired of spamming my tumblr with stories about my running (with no likes, reblogs) so decided to staart a blog instead!

So, this will be part training journal, part product reviews part bragging about how I got a really good deal on craigslist or eBay.

Have fun running everyone!